The CGD Association of America (CGDAA) was founded in 2019 to advocate for patients and X-linked female CGD carriers with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD). We have the largest community of patients and X-linked female carriers with CGD in the world. Currently, our database has 550 patient contacts and more than 200 CGD physician specialists/influencers worldwide.
Thanks to the CGDAA’s reputation as a trusted resource, the organization’s database has become the largest in the world; this robust collection of patient and carrier data has enabled important IRB-approved, patient-centered surveys and studies. In addition to funding important research, our organization also publishes a monthly e-newsletter for the community and holds well-attended online events to help connect our rare community and provide education.
Given the rarity of CGD, the disease can feel isolating. The CGDAA is committed to helping patients and carriers know they’re not alone.
Ongoing projects:• The CGDAA has provided a $25,000 research grant to the Primary Immune Deficiency Consortium to investigate the health issues facing female X-linked carriers of CGD and the long-term post-transplant outcomes for patients with CGD.
About Felicia Morton, Founder and Executive Director
Felicia has been a well-known advocate for the CGD community for more than a decade. As a female carrier of X-linked CGD, the daughter of an affected female carrier, and the mother of a son who was diagnosed with CGD and underwent a successful stem cell transplant for CGD in 2016 - she has experienced the impact of this rare, inherited primary immune deficiency first-hand.
In 2019, seeing the need for a more focused voice for the CGD community, Felicia formed the CGDAA, a Sec.501c3 non-profit organization with the mission to advocate for the CGD community by providing clear, accurate, and independent news and information about CGD and advancing CGD research.
Positions and Honors
Anissa began her communications role at the CGDAA in 2020. She is thankful for the opportunity to use her marketing background to help progress the CGDAA's mission and connecting people together.
National Institutes of Health
Chief, Genetic Immunotherapy Section
Deputy Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health
Chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Adjunct Associate Professor John's Hopkins University and Attending Physician, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Attending Physician, Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
Fred M. Saigh Distinguished Chair of Pediatric Research Professor of Pediatrics , Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis Children’s Hospital
FACAAI Chief, Immunology, Allergy and RheumatologyMemorial Healthcare System, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
Lydia Sancho
Erynn Hunkapiller
Felicia B. Morton
Denise Proffitt
Barbara D. Morton
Robert Karp, patient with CGD
Scott Vogel, former CGD patient after successful transplant
Carla Dean, autosomal patient with CGD
Maren Chamorro
Gina Continenza
Kiron Dhalilwal
Alia Naffouj
Marianne Rørholt (Norway)
Copyright © 2018 Chronic Granulomatous Disease Association of America - All Rights Reserved. Sec501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization
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The contents of the CGD Association of America site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the CGDAA Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding CGD or any medical condition.